Software for processing of images

This part is still under construction.

Processing the acquired raw images is done on a standard laptop and using software that has been in continuous development over the last 25 years. Starting off with a Borland Pascal program I switched to a Windows Visual Studio C++ development environment, which I use up to this date. The program enables aligning and stacking of images and contains functions for noise filtering, sharpening and processing of LRGB images.

A second program uses a catalog of celestial objects and enables me to select an object for photography that will enter the telescopes field of view at a given date and time. The object and camera/telescope/filter combination are selected based on different criteria: object declination, suitability for RGB or H-alpha, object size and magnitude, observational conditions, etc.

Some screenshots of the image processing program and a screenshot of the user interface of the object selection program.:

  • Item 2.
Image processing main screen
Help gives an overview of the most important functions
Another screenshot in BW mode
The object selection program