Hi, thanks for visiting my site!
I'm Theo Scholten born the day Sputnik flew its first rounds around our globe. I'm fascinated by the universe and our night sky but also (growing up in the Apollo age) by technology in general. I'm also a passionate DIY'er and trying, where possible, to design, construct and optimize the hard- and software needed for observing and photographing the beauties of the night sky myself. This involves telescopes, (CCD-)camera's, telescope mount and accessoires, electronics and software for control, and software for image acquisition and processing (and this simple website).
On this site, you will find an overview of the equipment I've constructed and the astrophotographs I've obtained with that hard- and software, starting some 25 years ago. You will note a 10-year gap in my activities but over the last couple of years I've upgraded part of my equipment and revived this hobby.
I'm located in The Netherlands (51.6 North 5.9 East). For astrophotography this is not the most ideal location in terms of wheather (i.e. number of bright nights) and light polution, and I'm already happy (as a reference) when I'm able to visually observe the weaker stars of the tail and body of Ursa Minor. However, for constructing, upgrading, improving and tinkering hard- and software as well as for processing the acquired images these Dutch weather conditions provide ample time.
What is possible under the Dutch Skies with the equipment I'm using still keeps surprising me. The results will not measure up to those obtained by increasingly professional astrophotographers using commercially available equipment (and generally more favourable night sky condition), but find out yourself: Enjoy and don't hesitate to comment by mail (thesy-dot-scholten-at-upcmail-dot-nl).