
Rosette nebula f=300mm telephoto lens at f/D=4, HOO Rosette Nebula HOO-palette
1, 16, 17 and 18 february 2025
FTF2020-M full-frame monochrome CCD camera
Leica f=300mm telephoto lens at f/D=4.0 on Fork-mount
Field of View: 3.5 x 4.2 degrees
Filters: Baader Planetarium H-alpha & Oiii with a 6.5nm bandwidth
Exposure: H-alpha 112x180 sec
and OIII 105x180 sec

Veil East HOO, f=882mm, f/D=3.5
Veil East HOO-palette
27/28 aug 2024
25cm Newton f=882mm f/D=3.5
FTT1010-M CCD camera
FoV: 0.76 x 0.76 degr
Exp.: H-alpha 102x150sec
OIII 83x150sec. BW 6.5nm
Veil f=300mm HOO, with and without stars Veil or Cirrus Nebula
HOO palette, stars removed
27/28 aug 2024 & 24 sep 2023
FTF2020-M CCD camera
with f=300mm tele-obj. at f/D=4
on Fork-mount
FoV: 2.0 x 2.0 degr
Exposure: H-alpha 132x3min
OIII 79x3min. BW 6.5nm
(Click here for earlier Veil Nebula images/attempts: 2007, 2004 and 2003)

NGC6820 HOO, f=882mm, f/D=3.5 NGC6820 & NGC6823 HOO-palette, 29 july and 6, 9 & 11 august 2024
25cm Newton, f=882mm and f/D=3.5. FoV: 0.74 x 0.74 degr
Exposure: H-alpha 161x150sec, OIII 174x150sec. BW 6.5nm
Shown with Gamma=2.0 while intenser H-alpha contributions are shown with increasing whiter appearance

A couple of nights end of July and start of August were quite bright but also quite warm (16-20 C). This caused a higher dark current (and thus noise) of my FTT1010-M CCD camera for which I had to compensate by using quite a lot of images.
NGC6820 is a strong H-alpha region with only a weak OIII content. I had to manipulate the HOO balance, i.e. enhancing the O intensity (causing stars to get a teal colour) to have the OIII contribution show up: See image to the right.

NGC6820 HOO, f=882mm, f/D=3.5

M42 imaged with SII, H-alpha and OIII narrow-band filters (Baader Planetarium, 6.5-8.5nm bandwidth), shown in three different ways. To the left H-alpha is shown in Red while the OIII image is distributed over Green (100%) and Blue (100%) to obtain the characteristic teal colour. The middle image has the same colour assignment and is unsharp masked, i.e. the luminance of the image was devided by a smoothed version of itself, lowering the intensity of the central part of the nebula and revealing the (nearly overexposed) trapezium star cluster. The image to the right shows M42 with H-alpha again assigned to Red (150%), S-II to Green (400%) and OIII to Green (80%) and Blue (100%). In order to have a clear effect, the Sulfur contribution had to be increased 4-fold.

Images are obtained on february 8, 2023, with the FTT1010-M CCD camera and the f/D=3.5 Newton configuration described below (and in the equipment section, see here). M42 is a relatively bright object and for H-alpha and OIII short, 60-second exposures were needed to avoid overexposure of the central part: H-alpha 19x60 seconds, OIII 30x60seconds. The Sulfur contribution is much weaker and 16 exposures of 120 seconds were acquired.

The images cover a 0.8x0.8 degree field of view, are sharpened and shown with a gamma of 2.2. The luminance is based on the (photopic) eye sensitivity for the H-alpha wavelength (656nm: sensitivity 0.08) and OIII wavelength (501nm: sensitivity 0.34). Thus L=0.08*H-alpha+0.34*OIII.

Horse nebula HOO
14/27/28 february 2023
H-alpha 155x2min
OIII 95x2min
FoV 0.73x0.73 degrees
Gamma 2.0
Intenser red contributions are shown with increasing whiter appearance
The image is sharpened and rotated 90-degrees (CCW)
M42 in HOO. Gamma 2.2. M42 in HOO, unsharp masked. Gamma 2.2 M42 in HSO, Gamma 2.2 Horse head nebula in HOO.
M42, HOO M42, HOO,
Unsharp masked.
M42, HSO Horsehead nebula
Images (above and below) obtained with the FTT1010-M CCD camera and my latest Newton telescope. In fact it is a modified Cassegrain telescope with a 25cm, f=1091mm primary. By adding a plane-convex lens close to the CCD the effective focal length is reduced to f=882mm and the f/D is improved from 4.3 to 3.5. Without this lens, coma of the parabolic primary over the 12mmx12mm focal plane of the CCD is substantial. The plano-convex lens reduces coma and increases sensitivity by some 50% (which compensates for the relatively low quantum efficiency of the CCD's I'm (still) using). For more details click here.
The images are cropped to 0.5x0.5 degrees of the 0.8x0.8 degrees field of view. The bandwidth of the H-alpha and OIII filters are 6.5nm and 8.5nm (Baader-Planetarium).

Bubble nebula, NGC7635 in HOO Bubble nebula
19 nov, 12/14 dec 2022
25cm Newton f/D=3.5
H-alpha 76x120sec
OIII 93x120sec
Cropped FoV: 0.50 x 0.50 degr
Crescent nebula, NGC6888 in HOO Crescent nevel
20/23 aug, 1/21 sep 2022
25cm Newton f/D=3.5
H-alpha 94x120sec
OIII 149x120sec
Cropped FoV: 0.52 x 0.52 degr

NGC 1499 (California nebula) 2012/2023 M1 SHO as RGB, 25/27 feb 2022 PK205 H-alpha 4, 5 and 7 mar 2022 Crab nebula SHO
NGC 1499 in H-alpha
(California nebula)
Oct 2012 and Feb 2023
300mm Teleobj. at F#4
FTF2020M CCD with
Baader H-alpha filter
Stars partially removed
H-alpha: 198x3min
FoV: 4.2x3.6 degr
M1, revisited:
H-a: Febr. 25..27, 2022
SII,OIII: Jan 28, 2011
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FTT1010M CCD with
SHO-filter wheel
H-alpha: 151x120sec
SII,OIII: 26x120sec
FoV: 0.37x0.28 degr
PK205 planetary neb.
4, 5 and 7 March 2022
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FTT1010M CCD with
Baader H-alpha filter.
Exp.: 203x2 minutes
FoV: 0.43x0.43 degr
M1 Crab nebula
January 28, 2011
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FTT1010-M CCD with
SHO-filter wheel
Lum.: H-alfa and OIII
image stacks
Exp. SHO: 25x120 sec.
FoV: 0.26x0.26 degr.

Images made with the FTF2020-M CCD camera equipped with a Baader H-alpha filter (7nm bandwidth) and with either the 25cm Newton using a coma-corrector resulting in f/D=4.7 or a Leica f=300mm teleobjective at F#4

IC1848 Detail East in H-alpha IC1848 Eastern part
2 jan 2009
25cm Newton f/D=4.7
Exposure: 84x150 sec
Field of View: 1.1 x 1.0 degr.
IC1805 and IC1848 in H-alpha IC1805 and 1848
27/28 dec 2008
f=300mm Leica teleobj.
Exposure: 66x3 min
Field of View: 4.6 x 3.5 degr.
IC410 in H-alpha IC410
30 dec 2008
25cm Newton f/D=4.7
Exposure: 55x150sec
FoV: 0.9 x 0.9 degr.
IC405 in H-alpha IC405
29 dec 2008
25cm Newton f/D=4.7
Exposure: 59x150sec
FoV: 1.1 x 0.8 degr.
Auriga nevel complex in H-alpha Auriga nevels
IC405, IC410 en IC417
27/28 dec 2008
f=300mm Leica teleobj.
Exposure: 112x3 min
FoV: 4.6 x 4.4 degr.

IC59 and IC63 near Gamma Cass. IC443 in h-alpha reprocessed Pelican nebula detail NGC7635 and M52
IC59&IC63, 7 december 2008
25cm Newton f/D=5.7 with
coma-corrector f/D=4.7
Baader H-alpha filter
31 exposures of 3 min.
FoV: 1.1x0.9 degr
IC443, 10 february 2008
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
(Reprocessed 15 dec 2024)
FTF2020-M CCD with
Baader H-alpha filter
54 images of 150 sec
FoV: 0.88x0.88 degr
Detail Pelican nebula
22 october 2007
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FTF2020-M CCD, binned
Baader H-alfa filter
Exposure: 50x180sec
waxing gibbous moon nearby!
FoV: 0.79x0.95 degr
NGC7635 and M52
13 october 2007
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
Baader H-alfa filter
Exposure: 29x180sec
FoV: 0.93x0.93 degr
Veil nebula west. Reprocessed 2024 vdB142 in IC1396 Planetary nebula PK205 NGC 1491 H-alpha
Veil nebula west
13 and 14 october 2007
(Reprocessed 2024.
Old version here.)
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
Baader H-alfa filter
Exposure: 59x180sec
FoV: 0.67x0.93 degr
vdB142 in IC1396
15 september 2007
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FTF2020-M CCD, binned
Baader H-alpha filter
Exp.: 41x150sec
FoV: 0.95x0.82 gr
Planetary nebula PK205
22 january 2007
25cm Newton,f/D=5.7
H-alpha filter (10nm)
Exposure: 48x100sec.
FoV: 0.36x0.36 gr.
22 january 2007
25cm Newton,f/D=5.7
H-alpha filter (10nm)
Exposure: 55x90sec.
FoV: 0.28x0.28 gr.
North America en Pelican Nebula Crescent nebula M17 Swan or Omega Nebula M16 Eagle nebula
North America and Pelican
nebula, 15 october 2006
300mm f#4 teleobjective
H-alpha filter (10nm)
Exposure: 24x3min.
FoV: 4.5x4.5gr.
NGC6888 Crescent nebula
20 september 2006
300mm f#4 teleobj.
H-alpha filter (10nm)
Exposure: 83x90 sec
FoV: 0.44x0.44gr.
M17, Swan or Omega nebula
4 july 2006
25cm Newton,f/D=5.7
H-alfa filter (10nm)
Exposure: 30x80sec
FoV: 0.96x0.96gr.
M16, Eagle nebula
3 july 2006
25cm Newton,f/D=5.7
H-alfa filter (10nm)
Exposure: 58x60sec
FoV: 0.96x0.96gr.

IC1805 and Melotte 15 with H-alpha filter IC1805 and Melotte 15 detail NGC281 and IC1590 IC1590 detail Veil nebula in H-alpha Veil nebula
IC1801 and Melotte 15
19 december 2004
prime focus 25cm Newton
FTF2020-M with H-alpha filter
and coma-corrector at f/D=4.7
Exposure: 44x3 minutes
Field of View: 1.1x1.1 degrees
Lower detail: 0.66x0.44 deg.
NGC281 and IC1590
23 november 2004
prime focus 25cm Newton
FTF2020-M with H-alpha filter
and coma-corrector at f/D=4.7
Exposure: 59x2.5 minutes
Field of View: 0.7x0.7 degrees
Lower detail: 0.3x0.2 deg.
Veil Nebula
11 october 2004
f=300mm teleobjective at F#5.5
FTF2020-M with H-alpha filter(Bandwidth 10nm)
Exposure: 56x3 minutes
Field of View: 4.0x4.0 degrees
Veil Nebula East (NGC6992)
30 september 2002
Prime focus f=1455cm Newton scope at F/D=5.7
FTF2020-M with RG630 and IR cutt-off filter
Transmission 630-720nm
Exposure: 35x2 minutes
Field of View: 1x1 degree.

On the "left", a recently taken image of nebulae in the vicinity of Gamma-Cygni is given. A f=300mm tele-objective, fitted with an H-alpha filter (Edmund optics) was used to create this nearly 5x5 degrees field of view. Some distinctly bright and dark nebula are visible of which three were photographed previously in more detail using the 10" Newton (f=1455mm).
H-alpha nebula around Gamma-Cygni IC1318 North NGC6888 H-alpha IC1318 East
H-alpha nebulae around Gamma-Cygni
9 and 15 september 2004
FTF-2020M CCD (no binning)
f=300mm tele-obj. and H-alpha filter
Stack of 118 images of 3 min.
Field of view: 4.7x4.7 degrees
IC1318 North
2 September 2004
FTF2020-M (binned)
Prime focus 10" Newton
Band filter RG630+IR-filter
(transmission 630-720nm)
Exposure: 57x2 minutes
FOV: 1x1 degrees
NGC6888 Crescent nebula
5 October 2003
FTT1010-M (binned)
Prime focus 25cm Newton, f/D=5.7
H-alpha filter
Exposure: 29x150sec
FOV: 0.45x0.45 degr.
Imaged with Gamma=2
IC1318 East and LDN889
6 October 2002
FTF2020-M (binned)
Prime focus 10" Newton
Band filter RG630+IR-filter
(transmission 630-720nm)
Exposure: 42x2 minutes
FOV: 1x1 degrees

Running dog nebula and IC1848
Emission nebula IC1805 (Running Dog nebula)
and IC1848. 18 DECEMBER 2003
FTF2020-M in binning mode with
f=300mm Telelens F#5.5
H-alpha IF-filter 10nm bandwidth
Exposure: 54x3min
FOV: 4.7x3.5 degr.
IC1396 H-alpha
Emission nebula IC1396
15+18 October 2003
FTF2020-M with f=300mm Telelens F#5.5
H-alpha IF-filter 10nm bandwidth
15 oct 32x3min binned
18 oct 36x4min non-binned
FOV: 3.4x3.4 degr.
IC5146 H-alpha
IC5146 Cocoon nebula
24 September 2003
FTF2020-M (binned)
Prime focus 25cm Newton
With simple coma-corrector
(description follows soon)
H-alpha IF-filter 10nm bandwidth
Exposure: 35x150sec
NGC6820 H-alpha
14/24 September 2003
FTF2020-M (binned)
Prime focus 25cm Newton
With simple coma-corrector
H-alpha IF-filter 10nm bandwidth
Exposure: 69x150sec

These images are captured with my latest CCD-camera with FTF2020-M CCD chip (2048x2048 monochrome chip)
in binning mode (1024x1024 pixels of 24x24 um)
The here presented four images are made using an H-alpha IF-filter (10nm bandwidth, Edmund Optics)
Cone nebule and NGC2264 Rosette nebula NGC2246 Horsehead nebula B33 California Nebula NGC1499
Cone Nebula
13/14 March 2003
f=145cm Newton
0.7x0.9 degr.
99x2.5 minutes at
70% illum. Moon!
Rosette Nebula
21 February 2003
f=145cm Newton
0.9x0.9 degr.
67x2 minutes
Limit magn. 4 !
Horsehead Nebula
20 February 2003
f=145cm Newton
0.9x0.9 degr.
50x2 minutes
Limit magn. 4 !
California Nebula
8 December 2002
f=300mm tele-objective, f/D=5.5
4.3x3.0 degr.
46x3 minutes
Images below:
Prime focus f=1455cm Newton scope at F/D=5.7, D=255mm. Field of View: 1x1 degree.
RG630 and IR cutt-off filter. Effective transmission 630-720nm and thus mainly H-alpha.
Image grey scale with Gamma=2 to reveal the weaker parts of the nebula.
IC1795 IC1318 Veil nebula N-america nebula (detail)
9 november 2002
46x2 minutes
IC1318 en LDN889
East of gamma-cyg.
6 october 2002
42x2 minutes
Veil nebula
East part (NGC6992)
30 september 2002
35x2 minutes
North America Nebula
Southern ridge
13 september 2002
53x2 minutes

North America en Pelican nebula
2 september 2002
FTF2020-M CCD, binned
300mm Telelens F/D=5.5
RG630 and IR filter (630-720nm)
Sum of 28 exposures of 3 minutes
M16, 2 june 2002
25cm Newton, f/D=5.7 with FTF2020-M
Shortly visible between trees: 19x15sec
Image grey scale with Gamma of 2
Rosette nebula (NGC 2237-39), 7 March 2002
FTT1010-M with f=300mm telelens (f/D=5.5) and H-alfa filter
Sum of 25 exposures of 3 minutes
The image is slightly sharpened
Horsehead nebula (2 february 2002)
CCD: FTT1010-M equipped with f=300mm telelens and H-alfa filter
Sum of 21 exposures of 3 minutes
The image is shown with a gamma of 1.3
M78 (NGC2068, 2067, 2064), 14 December 2001
Scope: 25cm Newton, f/D=5.7
CCD: FTT1010-M
Exposure: 41x60sec
Gamma=3 to show bright and weak features
CRAB NEBULA (M1), 30 January 1999
25cm Newton f/D=5.7
FT800 with RG610 and IR-blocking
(610-720nm and thus H-alpha)
sum of 20 images of 120 sec
Slightly unsharp masked
25 february 2001
25cm Newton at f/D=5.7
CCD: FT1020-C
Sum of 26 images of 120sec
ORION NEBULA (M42), 25 february 2001
Same image as "left", now unsharp masked
ORION NEBULA (M42), 29 Januari 1999
Scope: 11cm Newton f/D=4.7
CCD: FT800 with colour filter wheel
Exposure: R 8x2min, G 9x2min, B 16x2min
Remarks: Gamma correction 1.5
CENTRAL PART of Orion nebula
30 Januari 1999
Scope: 25cm Newton f/D=5.7
CCD: FT800 with colour filter wheel
Exp.: R 6x1min, G 6x30sec, B 8x1min
Slightly unsharp masked, gamma correction 1.5