Some CCD data sheets and documents:

Data sheets in PDF-format of the Philips/Dalsa FT-series CCD's as well as a data sheet of the tiny Texas Instruments TC211 CCD and the Philips FT800p are available below. An article that appeared in Laser Focus World of April 2008, regarding the Philips/Dalsa CCD technology, and some other interesting reads are also added to the list. Please note: Several data sheets for the same device appeared in the 1999-2002 period showing slightly different specifications.

General document Philips/Dalse:
     Appl. note AN01: Camera Electronics for the mK x nK CCD Image Sensor Family, april 2002
FTT1010M (1kx1k Frame transfer type, monochromatic CCD):
     Youngest FTT1010M data sheet july 2002. Pinout is shown here.
     Version of september, 1999
FTF3020C (3kx2k full frame colour CCD). Three data sheets:
     Most recent version of june 10, 2002
     Version of november, 1999
     Version of june 8, 1999
FTF2020M (2kx2k full frame monochromatic CCD):
     Pinning of the FTF2020 2kx2k CCD sensor. No data sheet available.
TI TC211 192x165 (!) pixel full frame CCD and the Philips FT800p frame transfer CCD
     Texas Instruments TC211 CCD
     Philips FT800p CCD
Also interesting stuff to read:
     Excerpt from april 2008 issue of Laser Focus World: Philips/Dalsa CCD-technology
     Slide deck with details regarding the CCD output stage and correlated double sampling (CDS)
     54-page Kodak document on CCD terminology.